
'Mikhail Riginsky. Beyond the 'Red door'
07 June, 2014 - 28 September, 2014

'Mikhail Riginsky. Beyond the 'Red door'
A poster of 'Mikhail Roginsky. 'Behind the Red door' exhibition
Mikhail Roginsky Foundation in collaboration with University Ca'Foscary Venice presents a project 'Mikhail Roginsky. Beyond the 'Red door'. The name of the exhibition refers to the famous artist's work "Red door" (1965), which is usually seen as landmark work of Soviet avant-garde. This art-object is included in the exposition, but mostly as a milestone, as current exhibition is wholly dedicated to the Parisian period of the artist's work - from 1978 through 2004.



The project is to be presented at the 14th International Architecture Exhibition, titled 'Fundamentals'. The project is meant - through the example of the famous Russian artist - to draw attention to the fundamental aspects of the art of painting and the structural concepts inherent to it - color, shape, construction. Experiments carried out by Roginsky while being in exile, were mostly focused on the basic ideas of fine arts. Exhibition comprises 8 sections, each of which represents one particular artistic challenge Roginsky met at some period of his life. At the same time, curators had no intention to stick with general framework of chronology and were guided mostly by substantial, ideological means in presentation of Roginsky's diverse artistic legacy. About 120 Parisian works of Roginsky are allocated in sections: "Alphabet of two-dimentionality", "Interior. Landscape. Figure in space", "Combating art", "Dimension of emptiness", "Archeology of construction", "The Fabric", "Object and form", "Returned painting". The uniqueness of the project is defined  mostly by the fact that for the first time the Mature period of Roginsky's art is presented so fully and reflexively, accompanied by many rare photo and video materials. This will not only acquaint the international public with miscellaneous work of Roginsky's Parisian period, but also give the perspective of its innovative, revolutionary nature.


Press-release 'Mikhail Roginsky. Beyond the 'red door' exhibition
14th International Archtecture Exhibition.
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Source: Mikhail Roginsky's personal exhibition project 'Beyond the 'Red Door'
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Палаццо Фоскари, Венеция Выставка «Михаил Рогинский. По ту сторону «Красной двери» Раздел «Азбука двухмерности» Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition


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The Venice Biennale official website

Russian press

International press

Mikhail Riginsky, il padre della pop art Russa nella prima grande mostra italiana. A Venezia
Источник: From 7 June to 23 November at Ca' Foscari will be the first Italian exhibition of Mikhail Roginsky, the "father of Russian pop art". The exhibition "Mikhail Roginsky . Beyond the Red Door" is organized by the University of Venice and by the Mikhail Roginsky Foundation as part of 14.Biennale of Architecture in Venice. Читать полностью
Источник: The exhibition presents work from the Mikhail Roginsky's mature period (1978–2003), following his emigration from Moscow to Paris in 1978, where he remained until his death in 2004. Читать полностью
Источник: Mikhail Roginsky. Beyond the Red Door. Evento Colleterale della 14. Monstra Internationale di Architettura. Venezia. Ca' Foscari Esposizioni: dal 7 guigno al 28 settembre 2014. Curatore: Elena Rudenko.  Читать полностью
Источник: Mikhail Roginsky had little time for the label "founder of Soviet Pop" or, in fact, for any group at all By Franco Fanelli. Features, Issue 259, July-August 2014 Published online: 15 July 2014 Roginsky's The Red Door, 1965, is on show in Venice. Читать полностью